Dear Friend, 

It is my deepest desire to guide you on a journey of contemplation
that is 
dramatically practical in execution and penetratingly insightful in its impact

Please know, the idea here isn’t a quick fix

The game I am known for is the one that most of society fails to play; This is the long game

In a world bombarding you with pitches for quick fixes, I have a different idea

My friend, the greatest gift I can be is the gift that reminds you of this:

The work you do on yourself in the now will have exponential benefit in the forever, and it's often the micro work that leads to macro gains.

I have seen it time and time again; A slight increase in awareness, even just a moment, helps to establish new neural pathways

Do this enough times and it has to become more reinforced as a subconscious reaction, right?

Ah, subconscious reactions. Who would you be if you were no longer reacting from the outdated programming of your subconscious? 

That's the path you're about to venture down

So, how will you know you’re on the right path?

You’ll feel it, you’ll hear something, or think something, or write something, and it’ll hit you

You’ll know it’s true even if you don’t want to believe it. Why? You can’t un-know a truth

My goal is to help you find the little pieces of you that got left behind, forgotten or abandoned

To reknow yourself on an intimate level so you can see, be and create all that you're meant to


There are 7 modules to the series:

  • The intention is for you to venture through the 7 modules of the series at your own pace. 

  • Each new module, you will complete one questionnaire

  • The questionnaire will reveal an audio, based on your unique answers

  • No journey is the same; each is customized to YOU, in this time and space

My goal is for you to reach a new depth of awareness on your spiritual journey, so that you can reknow yourself as an act of self-love in your daily living

Please be sure to read the potential side effects of this work as well as the pro’s and con’s on whether you should sign up or not

Much love, 


  • You're emotionally competent and practice self awareness
  • You're here to improve yourself and the overall betterment of humanity 
  • You’re able to read between the lines and see synchronicities 
  • You’re ready for that deeper level of knowing and understanding yourself
  • You’re an open minded thinker who asks a lot of questions
  • You have the capacity to put yourself in the shoes of others to experience their point of view, if not, are willing to try it to gain clarity and competence 
  • You’re ready to do this work on your behalf and those before you and to get a head start on those after you
  • You’re looking to be the change and make better choices for yourself and those around you
  • If you have PTSD, CPTSD, suicidal tendencies, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia disorder, multiple personality disorder, autism, ADHD or prone to mania IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED YOU ARE UNDER THE CARE OF A COUNCILLOR OR PSYCHOLOGIST, THERAPIST OR MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT
  • You’re desperate for immediate "quick fix" results
  • You’re doing this to fill a void, or for reasons that are of low vibration 
  • You’re unable/unwilling to make the commitment to go through the entire series in a 7-14week time frame
  • You aren't interested in developing an intimate and intuitive connection with your body 
  • You are scared to discover dormant pieces of yourself that, when uncovered, may wildly change your life trajectory 
  • You are BRAND new to self development (this might be too intense to start with)
  • You are 100% content and happy with your body and your reality
  • Increase in self love
  • Increase in self care
  • Increase in communication, between self and others
  • Increased clarity and interconnectedness between brain and body
  • Increased compassion for self and others
  • Increased empathy for self and others
  • Decrease in toxic behaviour
  • Decrease in negative self talk
  • Increase in feelings of joy
  • Increase ability to contemplate and assimilate information 
  • Discovering your worth
  • Enjoying food and simple pleasures more
  • Desire to go numb/numb out
  • Feeling like crawling out of your skin
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling emotionally heavy/dense
  • Being a salty b
  • Feeling like a sack of sh*t 
  • Fatigue
  • Thirsty
  • Hella hungry
  • Short temper
  • Existential crisis feelings
  • Soul hemorrhage/dark night(s) of the soul

Total transparency: In the moment, these experiences often feel like they will last forever. Rest assured, it typically fizzles out around the 7 day mark, but, you might feel like a salty b%&# for a few weeks; it’s all up to you (and yes, I hate that answer).

It is highly recommended you work with a therapist or councillor/mental health coach in tandem with this series because what gets uncovered can hit quick, hard and with high intensity.

We will be doing deep work together, and I need you to trust me, your body and the process. If you do that, all the salty moments will be 100% worth it.

Join ReKnowing for $437
  • Your Private Membership Portal with Lifetime Access to everything included inside.

  • You can do it at your own pace. Take 7 weeks, take a year. There's no "right" way to do it.

  • If you commit to completing all 7 Questionnaires and the Meditation designed for you, expect the way you experience the world and yourself to subtly and radically change.

  • The only wrong way to do ReKnowing is by not doing it at all.

Dear Friend,

It is my deepest desire to guide you on a journey of contemplation that is dramatically practical in execution and penetratingly insightful in its impact

Please know, the idea here isn’t a quick fix

The game I am known for is the one that most of society fails to play; This is the long game

In a world bombarding you with pitches for quick fixes, I have a different idea

My friend, the greatest gift I can be is the gift that reminds you of this:

The work you do on yourself in the now will have exponential benefit in the forever; and it's often the micro work that lead to macro gains.

I have seen it time and time again; A slight increase in awareness, even just a moment, helps to establish new neural pathways

Do this enough times and it has to become more reinforced as a subconscious reaction, right?

Ah, subconscious reactions. Who would you be if you were no longer reacting from the outdated programming of your subconscious?

That's the path you're about to venture down

So, how will you know you’re on the right path?

You’ll feel it, you’ll hear something, or think something, or write something, and it’ll hit you
You’ll know it’s true even if you don’t want to believe it. Why? You can’t unknow a truth
My goal is to help you find the little pieces of you that got left behind, forgotten or abandoned
To re-know yourself on an intimate level so you can see, be and create all that you're meant to

There are 7 parts to the series:

  • The intention is for you to join me and the other #ReKnowns for 7 modules
  • Each week, you will complete one questionnaire
  • The questionnaire will reveal a healing audio based on your unique answers
  • No journey is the same; each is customized to YOU, in this time and space

My goal is for you to reach a new depth of awareness on your spiritual journey, so that you can reknow yourself as an act of self-love in your daily living

Please be sure to read the potential side effects of this work as well as the pro’s and con’s on whether you should sign up or not

Much love,

  • You're emotionally competent and practice self awareness
  • You're here to improve yourself and the overall betterment of humanity 
  • You’re able to read between the lines and see synchronicities 
  • You’re ready for that deeper level of knowing and understanding yourself
  • You’re an open minded thinker who asks a lot of questions
  • You have the capacity to put yourself in the shoes of others to experience their point of view, if not, are willing to try it to gain clarity and competence 
  • You’re ready to do this work on your behalf and those before you and to get a head start on those after you
  • You’re looking to be the change and make better choices for yourself and those around you
  • You have PTSD or CPTSD or suicidal tenancies, unless under the care of a counsellor, psychologist, therapist, or mental health support
  • You’re desperate for immediate "quick fix" results
  • You’re doing this to fill a void, or for reasons that are of low vibration 
  • You’re unable/unwilling to make the commitment to go through the entire series in a 7-14week time frame, or longer
  • You aren't interested in developing an intimate and intuitive connection with your body 
  • You are scared to discover dormant pieces of yourself that, when uncovered, may wildly change your life trajectory 
  • You are BRAND new to self development (this might be too intense to start with)
  • You are 100% content and happy with your body and your reality
  • Increase in self love
  • Increase in self care
  • Increase in communication, between self and others
  • Increased clarity and interconnectedness between brain and body
  • Increased compassion for self and others
  • Increased empathy for self and others
  • Decrease in toxic behaviour
  • Decrease in negative self talk
  • Increase in feelings of joy
  • Increase ability to contemplate and assimilate information 
  • Discovering your worth
  • Enjoying food and simple pleasures more
  • Desire to go numb/numb out
  • Feeling like crawling out of your skin
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling emotionally heavy/dense
  • Being a salty b
  • Feeling like a sack of sh*t 
  • Fatigue
  • Thirsty
  • Hella hungry
  • Short temper
  • Existential crisis feelings
  • Soul hemorrhage/dark night(s) of the soul

Total transparency: In the moment, these experiences often feel like they will last forever. Rest assured, it typically fizzles out around the 7 day mark, but, you might feel like a salty b%&# for a few weeks; it’s all up to you (and yes, I hate that answer).

We will be doing deep work together, and I need you to trust me, your body and the process. If you do that, all the salty moments will be 100% worth it.


JOIN ReKnowing for $437
  • Your Private Membership Portal with Lifetime Access to everything included inside.

  • You can do it at your own pace. Take 7 weeks, take a year. There's no "right" way to do it.

  • If you commit to completing all 7 Questionnaires and the Healing Audios designed for you, expect the way you experience the world and yourself to subtly and radically change.

  • The only wrong way to do ReKnowing is by not doing it at all.

ReKnowing takes you in a choose-your-own-adventure style journey that can help you ReKnow yourself, embody your truth and be unapologetic about it.

This series is helping people reclaim their truths and discover some of the deepest parts of themselves. 

Some have quit smoking, lost weight, discovered their sexuality, reduced or outright eliminated anxiety from their everyday life, healed personal relationships across the board (especially the one with self), increased confidence and oh so much more…

The potential for healing is literally endless!! 

Get the ReKnowing Series