Am I worthy? | 3 Days to clearing Worthy Wounds

3 Days of Healing

Your Worthy "wounds"

Exploring the links to "Am I Enough & Worthy" through 

Confidence, Approval & Inner Peace 

February 22, 23 and 24 @ 4pm MST
Join us Live On Zoom

Join Us LIVE for 3 Days of Healing

Break Free of the Old Worthy "wound" Stories You're Carrying 

Join Us For this FREE 3 Days of Healing to
BOOST Self-Worth

Am I Worthy?

Am I Enough?  

  • What you attract often displays what you believe you're worthy of
  • Display what you "think" you have to and never let anyone see the real you, in fear it's not enough.
  • Acknoweldge you want to break free from all the contraints you've had yet have no idea how to get out from under the years of what you were taught in your younger years. 

It's no wonder so many people keep putting everyone and everything first. It's been glorified as the root of worth and value. 

But after facilitating thousands of 1:1 client sessions and teaching practitioners, I've noticed in all cases of worth, there are often old stories that are in the way of you seeing your own value. ...

It's become VERY clear to me that people wondering
"am I enough?" is simply just a symptom from the body and mind...asking for resolution.

That's why we're going to spend 3 Days
xploring, Dissolving & Resolving those old *dank* stories. 

You in?

Join Us For this FREE 3 Days of Healing to
BOOST Self-Worth

Does any of this stand out to you?
If so, this event is for you...

  • Do you often feel guilty or uncomfortable saying no (even though you really want to)
  • Do you constantly look for ways to help everyone else except yourself?
  • When clients/friends leave, do you wonder, "Did I do a good enough job?"
  • Do you feel like, "I can't charge what I really want to..people won't pay for it".
  • Do you have constant anxiety being around people wondering what they think?
  • Do you feel like "WHEN I have this...THEN I'll be happy? 
  • Are you looped in "the more I do and give, the more people will approve of me"? 
  • Were you taught that love & acceptance  and success comes from accomplishments?
  • Do you struggle even dreaming about having inner peace?
  • Do you hide parts of yourself  to avoid rejection from others?
  • Feel like a wall flower, scared to let yourself all hang out?
  • Is relaxing difficult, because you're often spinning in "what do others think"?
  • Are you afraid you can't succeed in a career because you just can't follow through?
  • Do you suffer from digestive issues that feel like you've tried EVERYTHING to resolve?
  • Did your teachers put your on the spot and you felt embarassed not knowing? 
  • Are you perpetuating the stories that aren't even yours but that belong to family?

If any of these hit home, chances are they are 
influencing more areas of your life than just one. 

We're going to spend 90 Minutes each day diving deep into potent
Subconscious, Somatic & Generational exercises
with self-worth as the focus.

Join Us For this FREE 3 Days of Healing to
BOOST Self-Worth

Check out the daily details

What you will accomplish Day 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

What you will accomplish Day 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

What you will accomplish Day 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


Here is SOME of What We'll Cover Each Day




Thursday, February 22nd 4pm MST


Abilities Healing

"If only I had more confidence"

The number one statement that has kept you separate from YOU

We'll explore the ages that dictate whether you feel inferior or competent in yourself. 




Friday, February 23rd 4pm MST


Purpose Healing

 "When I do this...THEN I'll feel like I did enough.."

Discovery what is driving your need to be seen, to be validated, and to feel enough.

...and where and when you were placed in a roll of 'It never being enough"




Saturday, February 24th 4pm MST

Inner Peace

Safety in Self Healing

Shift your internal Self Concept so you can stop attaching safety and worth to someone or something outside of yourself

Find your inner value and what you bring to this life. 


Join Us for this FREE LIVE Event

Break Free of the Old Worthy "wound" Stories You're Carrying 

Co-Founder, Lead Facilitator, Conductor of Healing in the realm of Magic

Charming and compassionate, with a healthy dose of “don’t f#%k with me”, Vincent, often referred to as V, has an essence that may be the medicine and mentorship your soul’s been longing for.

Those who know V have realized; you can run, you can hide, but she will still see you. All of you. This is both terrifying and magnetizing.

How does she do it? How is she able to see your deepest secrets and relieve you of their burdens within minutes of being in her presence?

This is the magic that she’s known for empowering healers with, within her academy, as well as clients in her private practice reserved for those who are ready to heal the unthinkable.

V’s acupuncture sessions are an amalgamation of ancient chinese wisdom, intertwined with her own magic, which made her one of Edmonton’s most sought out acupuncturists.

When she’s not in her healing mindspace, her favourite past times include making Orgonite, sitting by the beach, running through the rainforest to do cryotherapy in ice cold creek water, sipping americano’s with her hilarious wife, and ripping through the rainforest on her Rad Runner plus.

V is someone you’ll quickly fall in-love with, simply because of her ability to guide you to fall in-love with yourself.

Join V For this FREE 3 Days of Healing to
BOOST Self-Worth