$55.00 CAD

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SUB-SOMA Experience | Pleasure & Sexuality

SUB-SOMA Experiences are short, punchy, full body experiences.

They have been designed to activate your cellular being on the subconscious, somaconscious & superconscious.

The theme of this one is to activate Pleasure & Sexuality.

What People Are Saying:

The effect of the music catches ego off guard. It was like witnessing self in a whole new way, and appreciation for my body. There was a sense of inner reconciliation happening. In a short time, it takes you on a fascinating journey into your own consciousness, providing glimpses of both our inner shadows and light and how they dance together. Thank you V!

This audio was was extremely powerful, and despite not being tailored to me specifically, I felt as if V was speaking directly and guiding my body. The combination of the specific kinds of breathing techniques opened my body up and allowed it to feel safe. The background music was phenomenal and like nothing I have ever heard. It evoked physical and emotional reactions in me that have been numbed and dormant. I am always always in awe of the work that you both do, but this is extraordinary!!! I am so interested to see more!! Thank you thank you ❤️

This brought up memories where I was in vulnerable situations as a child, teenager and younger adult and how those core memories have influenced my beliefs around sex and intimacy. There is a recognition that I became disconnected from my body and those younger versions of myself - abandonment comes to mind. It made me emotional when I reconnected with them.