The SITuation

The SITuation hosts Empowered Healers Academy newsletters, blog posts, resources & content that helps spiritual leaders grow through story & life experiences.

From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #24 - The New Paradigm of Activism with Anna Tsui


Genius coach, international writer, speaker, activist, serial entrepreneur, and founder of The Intuitive Business School, Anna Tsui sits down with Kelsey to discuss grace, anger, social justice, racialized violence against the Asian community, and honouring traditional healing modalities.

Kelsey and Anna’s discussion flows with deep wisdom and moves through heart centred intentions, unexpected connections, willingness to express love, the new paradigm of activism, fear, inner censorship, people pleasing paralysis, and stepping into our power and being ourselves.  

It’s a deep dive and a badass conversation.  

Anna also offers some insight on this powerful question (a question that our healing community might want to lean into and get more curious about): 

How do we, as healers, actually and tangibly, honour the traditional roots of our healing modalities and medicines so that we can carry it forward? 

Things are complex and tense out...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #23 - Following the Energy with Dr. Carson

Dr. Carson, energy focused, chiropractor extraordinaire, is changing Kelsey and Vanessa’s lives. 

In this episode they follow the energy of Dr. Carson’s career trajectory and how he savagely followed his inner renegade and his heart into alignment - and how he helps others get into alignment too. 

Dr. Carson was a student of philosophy, hypnosis, and tai chi - and when he was introduced to chiropractics by a friend, it changed his life overnight. When he began his studies, chiropractics wasn’t yet widely accepted, but his awareness guided him to the path anyway, and his career evolved, alongside chiropractics and energy focused healing modalities.

When we are not in alignment our bodies will tell us. We can get stuck in loops of stress, self protection, and not quite able to let it go-ness... and so then we develop things like spinal tension patterns as an indicator of how we’re processing information in our nervous system. 

Dr. Carson...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #22 - What the SH#%&?! (Creating sustainable success beyond “shoulds”)


In Episode #22, Kelsey and Vanessa ponder what it means to choose joy and live fulfilling, meaningful lives or doing what they should.

We’ve all been told what we SHOULD be doing, heard who we should be, and told all the things we should choose and what success should look like.

When you live in SHOULD it impacts your health and your life. When you are trying to fit into the vision of who you should be instead of being who you truly are, it could burn you out, dull your light, and even become soul crushing.

Performing the should isn’t sustainable.

What if we asked ourselves what we actually want and then choose it? What if we chose our joy over a should?

Have you stopped to consider what it might be like if you stripped off all the SHOULDS?

Kelsey and Vanessa reminisce on what the global pandemic and the last year has taught them about their definition of success and shedding their shoulds. They dive into some of the personal growth and change they experienced....

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #21 - Talking to Dead People (and connecting with spirit)

Featuring Psychic Medium, Sheetal Story, this Episode takes us all by surprise when Sheetal starts doing a full blown Medium session when Kelsey's dead Dad shows up.

When his spirit steps forward, Kelsey is open to receiving his messages and gets some timely information that could change her future, and receives confirmation that she has changed the narrative for her family. Pretty powerful stuff! 

Sheetal shares about what it’s like to talk with spirit and see spirit everywhere. She explains about how having experiences with spirit can sometimes feel like anxiety and what her first encounters with spirit were like.

Sheetal also discusses...

What happens when things are left unsaid? 

What is the role of forgiveness in setting people free when they pass? 

What is it like when you’re an ‘unmanaged medium’ and realize you can sense spirit? 

How does empathy and intuition fit into all of this?


This is definitely an episode...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #20 - How to Have More Money

In this episode Kelsey explores what it truly takes to have more money … and blows her own mind in the process.

Warning: This episode of the podcast comes with powerful medicine. (How powerful? So powerful that Kelsey actually had to stop in the middle and give herself FIVE days to integrate.)

The Question: 

  • What am I refusing to be that if I would be it would create too much money in my life?

Follow up Questions: 

  • What have I been unwilling to be judged for? 
  • What judgements am I carrying?

The past two weeks Kelsey has been exploring these questions. Now they’ve got her manipulating energy, creating the feelings she wants to feel, and being open to receiving too much money

Kelsey shares her deep awareness about how she’s been being unwilling and how she has sabotaged money’s ability to find its way to her. She also talks about her $2000 error priceless wake up call.

 What comes up when you ask yourself this question? Grab...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #8 - Making Space by Letting Go

Are you struggling to let go of people or things that are no longer serving you?

A lot of us have anxiety when it comes to letting go of things or people in our lives.

Maybe it’s that table you bought years ago that just doesn't feel good in your space.

Maybe it's relationships you keep hanging onto, even though deep down you know you should cut dies with them...

Maybe, like Vanessa, it’s a handwoven rug that your babcia made for you when you were fifteen.

Or maybe it’s just years of clutter you’ve shoved in your closets and drawers that you swore you would get rid of or organize, but has piled up so much that your drawers are literally barfing them out.

It’s just “stuff”. So why is it so hard to let go?
In this episode, Kelsey and Vanessa talk about the importance of purging things, people, memories, and past emotions from our lives in order to make space for our next level, and why there’s so much discomfort that comes...
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